Our Ministries


Sunday Mornings


fcnKidz Sunday School is a Small Group Ministry that unites children with others their age and grade and directs them to dive deep into God's word to discover His Truth through life application today!


fcnKidz Church is Interactive Service designed to reach each child at their level of understanding. We share the Good News of Jesus Christ in a relevant, authentic way that means something to children for use in their lives today. God's message is shared with Enthusiasm and Excitement through Object Lessons, Puppets, Dramas, and Life Stories.

Our Focus is to change the way Kids look at life and the world, to develop a spiritual perspective that is different from the worldly perspective they might have today.

We Partner with Parents to help reinforce Godly boundaries and obedience in their child's life by the teaching Choice, Blessing, and Consequence using God's Word and demonstrating how that plays out everyday.

Wednesday Nights


Caravans Christian Scouting

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight.
-Proverbs 3:5&6

Meets Wednesday @ 6:30 pm (Sept.-May) Grades K-5th

A character building program for Children. In a fun environment, kids learn practical skills in the areas of spiritual growth and Christian discipleship. Ministry projects are a major emphasis and kids are taught how to use their talents and gifts to serve God. Skill badges can be earned in 4 categories (mental, physical, spiritual, social) and awards pertaining to eight important Christian characteristics known as core values.


Jesus in Jeans

Meets Wednesday @ 6:30 pm (June.-Aug) Grades K-5th

A Real Life Experience in God's Word. Our children will be shown examples of Godly Character, and Life Skills that will relate to their lives today. A Large Group environment that includes Worship, Praise, Drama, Games, and Sermon Teaching.

Kidz Quizzing


Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds;...
Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up…
So that your days and the days of your children may be many.
–Deuteronomy 11:18-21

Bible Quizzing is a fun-filled experience that can make a life-long impact in the life of each child.

Quizzing Season is Sept-May each year, please check our fcnKidz Calender for practice and meeting times.

Kidz Choir


From the lips of Children and Infants you have ordained PRAISE.
-Psalm 8:2

If you like to sing, act or just have fun come and join us for our Children’s musical and drama!

Practices are held Seasonally-Sunday evenings @ 6:00 pm

Check our fcnKidz Calender for Ministry Times of offering.

Beach Club


fcnKid's Beach Club is a Exciting, Fun, and Interactive time of sharing the Love of Christ, the Truth of God's Word, and the Good News of Salvation to children weekly through a after school elective Bible Club held weekly on campus of a local Elementary School.
Volunteers experience Front Line Ministry, as they share the unconditional love of Christ to the children of our Beach Club Schools through this life changing ministry.